
  • Author Archives : Metleader

How to prevent the leakage of flat welded flange

Flat welded flange is a kind of pipe medium system which can be used for low pressure grade, small pressure fluctuation and little vibration problem. In view of the fact that it uses the flat welding method to connect the pipeline, it is easy to achieve the corresponding in the welding assembly, and the market

Sealing principle and connection of flat welding flange

Flat welded flange is an excellent type of flange varieties, because it has the characteristics of light weight and small space compared with other flanges, it is loved by the public and plays an important role in the application of flanges. Let Rihua stainless steel flat welded flange manufacturers take you to see the sealing

Stainless steel flange true or false judgment

With the wide application of stainless steel flanges in our society, the demand for flanges in the market is gradually increasing, we know that flanges are more used in welding pipes, we have professional personnel to see its use to express their views Use of stainless steel flange Stainless steel flanges In pipeline engineering, flange

Stainless steel flange polishing

With the continuous development of social economy, stainless steel flanges are more and more widely used in our daily life. However, in order to improve the corrosion resistance and decoration of large stainless steel flanges, it is necessary to polish the surface of stainless steel flanges, and now there are mainly three kinds of polishing,

Stainless steel flat welding flange knowledge

The connection of stainless steel flat welded flange is an important connection method for pipeline construction, and the connection between the connecting pipe and the connecting pipe plays an important effect and value. Stainless steel flat welded flange connection is the two pipes, pipe fittings or devices, first fixed on a flange, between the two

Stainless steel size head type and processing

In the competitive industry market, stainless steel manufacturers want to go deep into the core area, so that the work of the initial information inspection of the industry market can not be lacking, that is, it is particularly important; Only when we fully grasp the information about the trend and form of the consumer market,

Stainless steel flat welded flange test method

At present, most stainless steel flange manufacturers in the development process, have paid special attention to the technical development of products, often ignoring the design of products. The price of stainless steel flange consumer aesthetic level continues to rise, for product quality is the most important thing, for the surface uneven detection methods should have

Stainless steel flat welding flange processing problems

Stainless steel flat welded flange is a kind of application in the fluid piping system with low pressure grade, low pressure shock and not serious shock. Through the use of flat welding in the form of pipe connection, so in the welding assembly may cause some improper connection problems caused by leakage phenomenon. If that

Stainless steel flange production points

Any form of stainless steel flange is also known as any form of stainless steel flange, flange has a groove in the inner processing, and is placed on the simplified or other parts, and then the two parts are welded together, and the force is between the overall flange and the looping flange Overall, its

Stainless steel flange price impact

Many small partners may not have a special understanding of flange, in our daily life to see is not particularly much, the name is also very curious, most people only a vague concept, for its price is more affected by professional people, next we follow the professional people, analyze the specific factors Stainless steel flange